Friday, May 21, 2010

Consuelo leaves for the night

This afternoon Consuelo made us lunch, the noodles were decent but she made some breadded sardines, every single one of us almost vommed. We hid the sardines in a napkin so it looked like we ate tons today, and later disposed them into a trash can outside of the house. She was so happy with our eating habits and behavior that she couldn't get a smile off of her face for about 7 minutes. That's impressive. We cheered "SUELO, SUELO,SUELO" at her for "finally" cooking food we liked. She threw her hands up in the air like the fool that she is. I forgot to mention, last night Ali was very angry with her and ignored her the entire time. This lady is a gomer. She decided to let us know 30 minutes ago that she's staying at her son's house and wont be returning tonight. On a Friday? You would think after 80 years of life you'd use your noggin and realize what we're about to do. She told us we can have people to drink but noone can stay. Tonight, I am eating my hidden cereal with the kitchen. I'm not even scared.
Side note to my mother: make sure when I return there is over 2 gallons of milk in the fridge. This goat shit is really starting to grind my gears.

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