Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ho Down Throw Down-the biggest fight yet

Bridget borrowed my sports bra and being the wonderful friend she is, she went to use the washer and wash my dress and sports bra. We thought Consuelo was out for the night considering she left at like 11 at night and she's 80, we figured she was staying at her son's house again. God were we ever wrong, we heard that key turn at least 3 times and we all shrieked. In Spain their a little testy with water use so this was a big mistake that we tried to play off with saying sorry. I know in her crazy head she's thinking "stupid Americans". She immediately heard the washer and came in the room with that fire in her eye. You know the one your grandma gets when you actually do something bad? Spanking worthy? This was it. I'm still waiting to be spanked. I don't understand a thing out of this crazy mo fo's mouth but I knew we were in trouble. The first reaming took place in our bedroom. She walked out and then called for her pet, Maggie. Maggie ran into the kitchen, since she's the only one who speaks spanish and knows what's going on. We felt pretty bad within 2 minutes that we went to go bail her out. There was no bailing going on. The 4 of us were trapped with the monster in the kitchen. We were told that we couldn't touch a single thing in the house, her home is not ours, so Bridget got really pissed off, grabbed money to pay for the wasted water and slammed down two euros on the counter. Turning point: Consuelo pissed off even more. Bridget then tried to grab her diet coke out of her fridge but Consuelo would not budge. I thought she was going to slam her arm in the fridge but thank goodness that didn't happen. How would Bridget facebook without that arm? Or write 65 emails to Matt every day? I'll answer that, she wouldn't. By this point I couldn't stop laughing and my face got even more red than it is from being sunburnt. I ran to the room and Ali followed, then Bridget. Maggie was left again with the devil. After about 4 minutes Maggie came back chased by the big "C" and we began to secretly video tape it. Puta in spanish means bitch, for some reason in the yelling of round 4, we heard "puta at least 15 times. It's on bitch. Unfortunately, after Consuelo left the room Bridget was trying to explain that she called us/her that so it sounded like we were talking smack about her, which we were but we assume she doesn't know what we say. Round 5- She told us if we tell the university we will be packing our bags. It's safe to say that was a threat. I'm going to assume we're not on speaking terms, not that her and I ever were. Maybe this pissed her off so bad that she wont cook us food anymore. That would be a straight up blessing.
If you don't hear from any of us, we were murdered in our sleep by her either by a knife or strangled. She looks like one of those who wouldn't make us suffer. You can find me in the forbidden closet, I'm sure that's where I'd be hidden. The rest of the girls...garbage bags in the polluted river.

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